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Thanksgiving Wreaths & Joy


Enjoying the festivities of being a big family, with a big meal and the big event of decorating our home for Christmas.  If I was brave enough I might show you the before and after pictures.  Instead here are a few pictures from Thanksgiving Eve.  Decorating Wreaths.  One is my daughter, the others are her friends. Havi

We decided that this should be an annual event. It was very fun to be creative and make a big mess of colors, hot clue, and some extra cheer to be drank here and there.  They guys hovered and helped out with their charm and wit to make this a fun and memorable Thanksgiving Eve.  This aqua blue sparkly one is one I made.  It is very different than the colors of my home, but very much the colors of my bedroom. Every room should have a special wreath.

The rest are wreaths made by the girls.  I love how they all represent their personalities.  The next one warms my heart. This lovely gal decided that she was not as talented as the others. She took painful strides to tie each ribbon in colorful order around her mold.

In each wreath is the beginning of the Christmas spirit.  I pray special blessings over your home, your family your friendships and your business as we celebrate the fun of this next month.  Some may have family sadness, friendships that have gone south.  Do not allow the pains of your past to hold you back from sharing and spreadingj joy in all you do. May your give this year like you never have.

Warm Christmas Blessings, Elizabeth

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