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Twitter Lists


“Twitter becomes your New Media roledex. Learn to use your lists.” #SavvySocialTip

I like to think of the “Lists” as the Rolodex of twitter.   I still  have that Rolodex  on my desk of contacts.  I do not have Brian the painter filed under “B” for Brian. I have Brian filed under “P” for Painters.  I use several different painters for various painting projects.  In the same way, I set up my categories on my Rolodex, I now do the same on Twitter.   In Twitter I have  lists set up to help me remember the various categories of people I want to follow. I have a list called “Lovely Designers”.  To some that could be designers of graphics, tools, etc., but to me, that refers to everything around Interior Design.  On some days when I need a break from my consulting projects, I will check into twitter and click on my lists.  “Lovely Designers” gets me seeing what the chatter is about in the world of design.  Perhaps I am actually working on a design project and need some inspirations. I love the collection of gifted and talented designers on that one list, so there I will go and tweet out a question, or jump into the conversations.

Your lists are your way of keeping track of the kinds of people you want to connect with. You are forming groups of people by categories.   Your lists can be Public Lists, which allow others to see whom you have categorized, or they can be Private Lists.  I, for example, have one private list.  It’s called “New Friends”.  When I begin to have conversations and start engaging with someone I may think, “Now that is someone I want to get to know.”  I drop that person immediately into my “New Friends” list.  After several tweets with them, I might see vulgar tweets or profanity, which does not brighten my day, and I quietly take that person on my list. And there you have it!

Managing lists and keeping your lists in order will vary based on your involvement on Twitter. It is easiest to manage your list as you go along. I wish I understood how to manage my lists before I had hit the 1,000 follower mark.  Almost daily, as I am looking in at New Followers of mine, I check into who they are, what they are doing, and what importance they may have to my community.  I then click that little arrow next to their AVI, click on the “add to list” and drop that person into the appropriate list. I view my lists in the same way I view my friends  here in town. I try to at least check in, read, tweet, and connect at least once a week.  I try making time to intentionally get to know people.

If you are a brand, and you are working to build a loyal clientele, it’s important that your lists represent those whom you want to attract.  One brand I manage has many private lists of specific territories.  When promoting and tweeting out, gauging the results and reach in various territories, this can be a fun way to monitor that. Although  there are apps to manage this for you, it’s hard enough to learn one Social Media platform before adding in many more, especially if you are a boutique company and finding your way on your own.  Not everyone knows every tool to hook up, link, and pump up for this kind of information.

Twitter allows up to 500 people on a list.  The value of categorizing people is what keeps you actively growing and connecting in your Twitter experience.  That one group/category is like waking up and going to have a cup of coffee with all your Designer friends.  Your Social Media friends, or for me, my  “Lovely Friends”.  I actually have a list called that–Lovely people I want to be sure and connect with on a regular basis. You can name your list in the best way that represents your experience on Twitter.  When you add someone to your list, if it is Public, they are notified. I remember when I first started out on twitter, I had no idea what I was being added too. I thought…wow is this some elite group that I was hand picked for? Well guess what?– your Twitter  List is your elite group of those whom you want to know more about, engage more and build your community of conversation.  I hope this was helpful to understanding the basic of a Twitter List.

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